Monday, April 15, 2013


So, if you know me, you most likely know that I am going to Uganda in a little over a month. I know that I started this blog for my Cambodia trip, but I want to just share how I was called to go on this trip and the whole process up to this point.

Basically, since I got back from Cambodia in November, God started putting a burden on my heart for Uganda. Now, I had heard about Kony, but that is literally all I know about this country at this point in my life. I didn't know anyone in Uganda. I didn't know any organizations serving Uganda. I seriously knew nothing about this country. Yet, for some reason, several times when I was praying or alone in my truck I could almost audibly hear the word "Uganda!" being spoken to me. I knew it was the Lord!

"God, what does that mean? What do you want me to do? God bless Uganda, I guess?" These are some of the things I said to God for about two months whenever this would happen. In January, I talked to a friend who reminded me of another friend, Emily, that had gone to Uganda the summer before.

Later that day, I Facebook messaged Emily asking for some specific things to pray about for Uganda. Two days later, she emailed me back inviting me to go on a trip she is leading!

The trip is with an amazing company called TivaWater. TivaWater is a water filter company that is partially for profit, partially nonprofit and fully for Jesus Christ! In Uganda, people die every day because of parasites and bacteria from drinking unsafe water; they developed an incredible filter that purifies any water into water that is pure and safe for people to drink. If that isn't amazing enough, the filters last up to ten years with little to no maintenance. They sell them to big cities, like Kampala, that can afford them and they donate them to small villages that cannot afford them. Seriously incredible. I love this organization. They do a lot of other stuff with the community, like schools for example, and look for any opportunity to share the love of Christ with the people of Uganda.


So needless to say, I got pretty darn excited when I got Emily's email and I scheduled a dinner meeting with her a couple days later to learn more about the trip. On this trip, we will be doing a lot of different things, but the primary thing we will do is to distribute the water filters and meet the people of Uganda. We will use the water filters, or meeting one of their legitimate physical needs, in order to build relationships with the people so that we can tell them about the Living Water. I think about John 4:14; Jesus promises:

"But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life."

That is the water that I want to give them! Having pure drinking water is definitely important, and God has called us to take care of the poor, but even more important is the Living Water that we are going to share with them!

So, that is why I am going in a very tiny nutshell. If you want anymore information, I am posting updates on my Facebook group page: HERE. If you would like to give, you can do so online: HERE (just put my name in the dedication box), or you can send a check to World Water Project (107 Westfield Drive, Knoxville, TN 37919) made out to World Water Project with my name in the memo line. I have to raise a total of $3500 by May 13th and I am already more than halfway there! I just have $1500 to go now. Please pray about this chance to get involved in bringing water (both physical and spiritual) to the people of Uganda with me! Also, please pray for my trip in general! We will be gone May 28th-June 9th!

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