Tuesday, August 6, 2013

In dependence, or independence?

First off, I'm sorry I haven't written anything on here in so long! Life has been getting too fast for me lately. I will try and be more disciplined in getting the rest of these posts up!

As I was looking for inspiration for today's blog, I was reading my prayer journal from Day 4 and 5 of the trip. My question that I was pondering those days was, "God, what am I learning about you today?" Then, I stumbled upon a prayer from later that day:

"Keep us in situations where we have to rely on You, so we can learn your character and see Your power."

All throughout my life, I have been raised to be independent. I have been taught to take care of myself, by myself. I think this is an American thing; we want to be self sufficient, independent. "I don't need anyone to take care of me." I proclaim reliance on God, but I have been guilty of living an independent life.

The people of Uganda showed me how to live in dependence on God, instead of independent of Him. God was huge to them there, because they needed Him to be. They trusted Him for everything, and He showed up because of it.

Someone said something to me a few months ago that really stuck with me, and it was basically this: If I trust in myself, then I am limited to Jenn sized solutions and outcomes; however, if I trust in God, I am unlimited! So, I just want to leave you with this question: Do you live in dependence of God, or independently of Him? How big is your God? How big do you let Him be? If you haven't seen God show up lately, maybe it is because You haven't asked him to. Ask Him.

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