Tuesday, June 25, 2013

God with us.

All of my posts are things that are continuing to change my life, now that I am back in America, but this story really stands out in my memory of this trip. It is such a demonstration of reliance on the Lord and just the real, life-changing power of God. I know I am going to butcher this story to pieces, but I'll do my best!

Meet Emmanuel.

(Photo credit: Allison)

Emmanuel was a victim of the war in Uganda; the L.R.A. cut off parts of his nose and upper lip when he was younger. Despite this traumatizing event, Emmanuel chose to dedicate his life to the Lord. He was blessed to receive plastic surgery to mend his face and allow him to speak normally again, and he has used this gift in huge ways! He has learned all 38 Ugandan languages, English and is currently learning French. Why? So that he can counsel other children and victims of the war and share the love of Jesus Christ with them.

We visited with Emmanuel in his father's house and heard his story. He didn't seem like a victim, but a conqueror. He had been faced with adversity, but chose to work hard to overcome it; when we asked him how he did it, he answered simply, through prayer and relying on God's strength. He told us that the Lord had given him all of the languages, he could just understand when people spoke to him in foreign tongues, and he used that gift to give back to God.

I told you that his name is Emmanuel, this means "God is with us," and it suits him perfectly. His life is a perfect example of what can happen when we allow God to be with us and we do life with Him. When we trust God and cast our burdens on Him, we open ourselves up to God-sized lives, instead of just human-sized lives. In John 10:10, Jesus tells us that life with Him is the fullest most abundant life there is. I can see that in Emmanuel; he has an absolutely abundant life full of amazing blessing because of the complete reliance that he has on God.

This idea isn't unique to Emmanuel; everywhere we went, we met people who had been faced with adversity and overcame it through the strength of Jesus. We met women who'd had their children killed. When we asked them how they coped with this, their answer was always the same: Prayer -- and trusting that God actually is big enough to solve their problems and get them through their lives.

I want to challenge you with these stories. When you are faced with adversity, do you trust the Lord to be your strength? Trust Him to get you through? Trust Him to be big enough? He is, I promise. I have experienced it in my life, both in America and overseas.

The Lord is able to heal the brokenness in your life, and the beauty of it is, He wants to. You have a choice to make: Will you be defeated by adversity in your life and allow it to bring you down, or will you let God strengthen you and love you and help you overcome hardships? He wants to help you, will you let Him?

Psalm 28:7-9
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. The Lord is the strength of his people; he is the saving refuge of his anointed. Oh, save your people and bless your heritage! Be their shepherd and carry them forever."

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