Thursday, December 6, 2012


A verse that spoke to me a few days ago:

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48

This will be a quick one (I hope), because I need to study in about 6 minutes. I have been reading other missionary blogs all morning and I am so inspired by the heart behind them. Missions is all about sharing God's love. We can meet practical needs all day long, and that is amazing but it is not the point. Jesus is the point, meeting the spiritual needs.

Things I read that stood out to me:

"After a nice sweat is found and some games are played over the course of a few hours, we gather them up and talk a bit about ourselves and why we are there in the first place. We a

re there in some ways simply to assure them that they matter and that the world has not forgotten them. Even if that means the rare missions trip from DFW, we return every year with our time and attention and we have no plans on stopping."

From this blog: Click here!

"My friends who came to feed them and give them food and love on them are the closest representation of Jesus they have ever seen. So much so that they just call them Jesus. In a sense the kids might have well been saying 'Hey Jesus is here! Jesus is here!!!' 'What you do to the least of these you have done to me' comes to mind. Gosh I hope that the rest of my life looks like that as well."

From this blog: Click here!

Gosh I love these. So, I have two main take-aways here

1. We go to show others the love of God.

2. We go to show others that the world has not forgotten about them.

I love that this is the heart for these missionaries, and it should be the heart for all missionaries! After all what did Jesus tell us are the greatest commandments? Love God, love others.

I hate that a lot of times, this is only our heart on the mission though! The world is full of hurting people that need the love of Jesus in their lives! So, my challenge is this: Love God, love others. Do it now. Do it here (or wherever you may be). Just do it, and never stop doing it! The whole world is your mission field, and every day is your opportunity to share the love of God with someone who needs Him!

I am not perfect by any means, but this trip inspired me to try.

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21

Christ died for me so that I can live for Him.

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