Sunday, December 23, 2012

Why aerobics happened...

I have already talked a little bit about aerobics, but I'm going to go into a little more detail now.

Monday through Thursday I led aerobics in the streets of Svay Pak in front of Rahab's House. Anyone from the community could join in.

If you know me at all, you know why I am NOT qualified to lead aerobics. For everyone else, I can barely walk stand up without falling over for no good reason! My parents tried to get me to do ballet and gymnastics as a child to fix my lack of coordination; it did not work! I am basically the least coordinated person you know.

So, aerobics is lots of moving, almost dancing, in a specific way at a specific time. I am just about the least qualified person to lead aerobics in the entire world. I was TERRIFIED to do this! Seriously. Anytime anyone asked how they could pray, that was my answer.  How in the world do I lead aerobics in Cambodia?

The answer to that question is the cool part.

I can't.

I can't lead aerobics in Cambodia. I am not qualified. I do not have the physical capabilities. I don't know the moves or patterns.

Jenn, you said this was cool? That answer is mega lame!

Not true, I couldn't lead aerobics. God did it through me. God is so big and powerful! He used me in aerobics so His glory could be all the greater!

It reminds me of Gideon. Read Judges 6-8. God used the least, Gideon, to do His great work and show off His power and get all of His glory!

So, the first day of aerobics, I was about five minutes late getting out there cause I had to run around and get my teammates to pray for me before I could get the guts to go outside and get started! I knew God was my only hope to get through the class.

I walked into the road with three disciples and Kara, one of my teammates, and gave my music to the "DJ." We stretched, prayed, did aerobics for an hour, I explained why I was there and did a brief gospel presentation, we stretched, and prayed. At the end of my first day, it had grown from 4 people to over 70 people from the community. God is good.

Things I got from aerobics in Cambodia:

1. God can use anyone for anything. His glory will be shown!

2. I can trust God because He is bigger than I am small.

3. God will make a way to get the gospel to all people. He gave us a command (Matthew 28:19) and He provides ways to do it.

Aerobics turned out to be one of my favorite parts of the entire trip. God definitely planned for me to do it! It was a great experience that I will carry with me for the rest of my life to remember God's faithfulness, provision, and power!

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