Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Trust falls

Have you ever done a trust fall before? Because they make me feel about the same way that fundraising for missions does... You know the person standing behind you is going to catch you. They are waiting for you to fall so that they can catch you. Yet, somehow, it still takes a surge of willpower to overcome the fear of falling back blindly into their arms.

Today, I found out I have $1,130 to go on my fundraising for Uganda, and while that number is smaller than the $3,500 that I originally set out to raise, so is the number of days left to raise it. 13 short days. That is less than two weeks.

So, here I am arms crossed, falling back; I have to trust God to catch me on this one. Who new this trip would be such a faith building exercise even before I got on the plane...

HERE! is my blog about what I will be doing in Uganda.

If you feel led to contribute and be a part of what God is doing in Uganda, please send a check addressed to World Water Project with my name in the memo line to:

World Water Project
107 Westfield Drive
Knoxville, TN 37919

OR donate online (3% processing fee) HERE! but please put my name in the dedication box so it goes towards my trip. Thanks for being a part! Look for updates and more info HERE!

But more than anything, please continue to pray for this trip!

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